Onsite Course Schedule & Material List

Information on the Onsite Course Outline and the Material List to bring and provided.

Table of Content:

Onsite Course Outline

Materials Provided

Materials To Bring
a) Technical Course
b) Skilled OSCE Course 
c) 2 Days Mock Exam 

Onsite Course Outline:

Monday  Orientation, Infection Control, & Composites
Tuesday Crown Preparation
Wednesday Amalgams
Thursday Endodontic Access Cavities & Provisional Crown
Friday  Caries Cavity Preparation
Saturday  Skilled OSCEs

Materials and Instruments provided by us

The Academy will be providing the following materials:

  • Dental chairs with built in compressor and suction. 
  • Manikin head (One Dental)
  • Amalgamators (SDI Ultramat)
  • Light cure unit
  • Hand piece - High & Slow speed hand piece 
  • Micromotor for slow speed handpiece
  • Exam Kit contains 5 Nordent instruments and includes a metal cassette:
    - Mirror
    - Endodontic Explorer
    - Double Ended Explorer
    - Periodontal Probe
    - Tweezer
  • Restorative Kits contains 12 instruments and includes a metal cassette:
    - Double Ended Paddle
    - Millers/Articulating Paper Forceps
    - Ball Burnisher
    - Paddle & Condenser 
    - Plugger
    - Mortenson Plugger
    - Excavator 
    - Hollenback Carver
    - Composite Carver
    - Wiland/Minnesota Carver
    - Toffelmire 
    - Enamel Hatchet

Materials Required by Candidates


Candidates are required to bring:

  • Magnetic jaws + screwdriver
  • Teeth for all task 
    - Endo teeth 
    - Caries teeth 
    - Plain teeth which also includes 6 to 8 Teeth prepared for amalgam and composite task)
  • Burs 
    - Burs + bur kit 
    - Polishers - Softlex discs and mandrel (all sizes)
  • Instrument 
    - Enamel hatchet
    - Scalpel
  • Materials 
    - Composite – packable and flowable 
    - Amalgam capsules 
    - Temporary crown material – Protemp material + protemp gun 
    - Provisional putty 
    - Bond
  • Consumable materials
    - Fender wedges, wooden wedges
    - Matrix bands and Tofflemire holder
    - Plastic strip + polishing strips
    - Microbrushes
  •  Amalgam gun and well
  • Composite dish with lid
  •  Others 
    - Cotton rolls
    - Gauze 
    - Floss 
    - Vaseline 
    - N95 mask
  • Matrix band kit (matrix band no.1 and 2)
  • Rubber dam sheets
  • Pit and fissure sealant, prophy paste, brush and etch
  • Perio jaws and calculus (if you have it, we do have one jaw, if you want to practice more, better to bring yours in case)


Candidates are Required to Bring:

  • Rubber Dams


Candidates are Required to Bring:

  • Teeth (Endo & Caries)
    - Caries
    - Endo
  • Burs
    - Burs + Bur Kit
    - Polishers - Soflex Discs and Mandrel (All Sizes)
    - Enhancers
  • Amalgam Capsules (3 will be provided)


Candidates are Required to Bring:

  • Rubber Dams